5 Foods That Keep You Feeling Full All Day - HealthPedia

5 Foods That Keep You Feeling Full All Day.



Start your day with a two egg breakfast. Eggs are full of high quality protein, fats and vitamins.



Add some flavor to your next meal by dicing up an avocado and adding it to your lunchtime salad. Adding half an avocado to a meal can increase your satisfaction and make you less hungry.


Chilli Peppers.

Not only can a little spice fire up your metabolism, but capsaicin, the compound found in hot peppers, can also help control your appetite.



It’s not the appealing of foods, but a serving of warm oatmeal in the morning can help keep you fuller for longer. Oatmeal is higher in fibre and protein than most breakfast cereals and also contains more beta-glucan, the sugar that gives oatmeal its hydration and thickness.


Dark Chocolate.

If you crave sweets morning, noon and night. One trick is to reach for dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate the next time a craving rolls around. Dark chocolate lowers your desire to consume any form of calories for longer than milk chocolate.
