Cure For All Diseases Except Death, Say Bye to STDs, Cancer, Diabetes, S...

Cure For All Diseases Except Death, Say Bye to STDs, Cancer, Diabetes, Stroke, Arthritis & More .

In Ayurveda nigella sativa was used to help aid digestion and right up to now it is given to women post natal to help with lactation.
The history of nigella sativa dates as far back as ancient Egypt, some 3000 years ago. It has been used in traditional medicine for centuries. Also known as the “blessed seed”, black seed oil was in fact found in the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh king Tutankhamun.
Moreover, the prophet Mohammed (sallahu alyhi osallam ) . described it as “a cure for all diseases except death”.Alternative names for nigella sativa include kalonji, black cumin, roman coriander, fennel flower and black caraway.
Chemically, nigella sativa contains CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), thymoquinone, nigellone, melanthin, nigelline, damasscenine, and trans- anethole.
Almost all of its fat content is in the form of omega 3(Linoleic) and 6(Oleic) fatty acids – which are very important for overall health and the immune system. High in minerals, nigella seeds also contain calcium, iron, potassium and sodium.
