She Ate Three Dates Daily For 12 Days , These Are The Results Of Her Experiment I HealthPedia .
Dates aren't the most popular fruit and many of you don't even look at swallowing them on a daily basis. However, dates are extremely beneficial fruits, since they may offer some superb health benefits.
An experiment was done on this little fruit, and a woman ate 3 dates a day, for 12 days. The effects were simply unbelievable !
If you start eating three dates a day, here's what you will happen .
Decline of High Blood Pressure and Stroke .
When it comes to lowering high blood pressure, the magnesium in dates is extremely helpful. A large number of individuals are on blood pressure medication in america, all the while this fruit may make those drugs unnecessary.
Researchers attempted to discover whether or not dates had some effect on stroke risk. The research was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and clearly demonstrates that dates can lower stroke risk.
Development of the Brain Work .
Other studies examined the ingredients in dates and their connection to brain health. Their findings showed that in case one has sufficient vitamin B6 in the body, the mind really works better.
Rich In Nutrients .
Dates have some fantastic nutritional benefits, as they contain copper, fiber, potassium, manganese, vitamin B-6 and magnesium. Therefore, you do not need to take those vitamins when you are eating three dates a day.
Digestive Health Improvements .
If you have problems like IBS, constipation or many other digestive and GI problems, dates might help, since they are amazing foods for digestive health. This is a result of the fiber that they contain, and they've been shown to decrease the possibility of colon cancer. Furthermore, dates are even recommended treatments for hemorrhoids.
Pain Relief .
Due to this, dates can relieve pain and decrease swelling. As studies have shown, these fruits can reduce arterial inflammation and decrease your risk for heart disease, also treat other inflammation- induced conditions like Alzheimer's disease, arthritis and much more.
Healthy Pregnancy .
According to a study done at UST, dates help with labor and delivery. Significantly, the investigators tested 69 women and reasoned that if the girls ate dates during the last four weeks of their delivery, the labor and delivery was more favorable. Additionally, dates are useful with weight loss following a pregnancy.
Weight Loss Risks .
However, you should always take care of the number of foods you eat if you would like to lose extra weight. Hence, he advises limiting your fruit servings to 3 daily.
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